[countdown title="Snowy Hydro V.2 Submission Due" event="" date="30 October 2020" hour="13" minutes="45" seconds="00" format="DHMS"]
[countdown title="Countdown" event="Until next release" date="1 May 2019" hour="13" minutes="45" seconds="00" format="DHMS"]
function content_countdown($atts, $content = null){
'month' => '',
'day' => '',
'year' => ''
), $atts));
$remain = ceil((mktime( 0,0,0,(int)$month,(int)$day,(int)$year) - time())/86400);
if( $remain > 1 ){
return $daysremain = "
Just ($remain) days until content is available
}else if($remain == 1 ){
return $daysremain = "Just ($remain) day until content is available
return $content;
add_shortcode('cdt', 'content_countdown'); [cdt month="11" day="15" year="2020"]
This is content that will only be shown after a set number of days.